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  • Nicole

Amber eyes, campfires and beautiful lakes

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

We are driving on the Ice Fields Highway and I am typing this second post about Canada. With the beautiful views Banff National Park is giving us it is harder to find time to write.

Also with the lack of internet-connection I was not able to upload my blog or upload my pictures.

But it is nice to be not connected sometimes ;)

After our visit at Niagara Falls it was time to pack our bags and my suitcase. Together with Waleed his mom, brother and sister we drove to Hamilton airport.

The evening before our flight we found out that there was a delay and we will arrive late at night in Edmonton.

At 3 AM we arrived at our hotel and went quickly to bed. The next morning Waleed picked up the car.

In our pickup-truck we drove to Edmonton for lunch and to get supplies for our trip.

We ate lunch at restaurant Under the Wheel and from there we drove to MEC (Mountain Equipment) store. I got a rain jacket and we also purchased camping utensils

Our next stop is Walmart for the necessary groceries.

By the time we left Edmonton it is getting late and the sun is already setting. The drive from Edmonton to the campground Elkwood in Peter Lougheed provencial park takes 3,5 hours and it start to rain heavely.

We stop at Kanaskis County and by that time we realise that setting up a tent in heavy rain in the dark is no option. We drove to the campground and decided to sleep in our car.

With 3 layers and a sleeping bag I wake up frozen.. My nose is red and the temperature dropped under zero degrees.

It was a good decision to sleep in the pick-up truck because it rained all night.

The best way to wake up is of course with a cup of tea :) On our way we see snow on the peaks of the mountains.

After breakfast we drove to Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary. The santuary takes care of 25 wolfdogs. This is the only santuary in Canada for wolfdogs.

All the wolfdogs have their own the fenced area and have a enough space to walk around.

At 3 in the afternoon we are aloud to meet one of the wolfdogs she is really friendly and distracted quickly.

After some pictures we go to an introduction session were one of the volunteers explains more about wolfs and their behavior. Really intresting to hear that wolfes are really scared of humans, that real wolfdogs only have amber eyes and how they control the wildlife balance.

Back at the campground we make dinner and a campfire. Marshmallows and tea time!

Spray Valley, Canmore, Johnson lake and Storm Mountain Lodge

Next morning it is time to pack all our stuff and drive to Canmore. After a cold night it is nice that the sun is shining and I am looking forward to enter Banff National Park.

We go off-road through Spray Valley towards Canmore. We are happy with our pickup-truck and along the way we make multiple stops to enjoy the amazing views. I need to pinch myself to see if these high mountains with snow on the highest peaks are real.

On the left side of the road azure coloured lakes became visible. The Spray Valley lakes are stunning.

We reach Canmore and go to Tim Hortons for coffee. From Canmore we go to Johnson lake because we have been reading that there is a swing and a nice lake. In the end we did not find the swing but it was nice to visit the lake for a bit.

At this point we are both quite tired and it is time to drive to our cabin.

I was looking forward to the cabin ever since Waleed booked it a couple of months ago.

After checking in at the Storm Mountain Lodge reception we reach our cabin. We get the cabin that matched with my BF his first letter of his name "W".

We ate dinner and discuss the plans for the coming days. Waleed makes a nice fire in the fire place and then it is time to sleep.

Johnston Canyon

Monday we go to Johnston Canyon. When we arrive at the parking lot is already packed. We park the car next to the road and walk to the beginning of the hike.

The hike leads you to the lower and upper falls through the Canyon itself.

It was busy and we where even standing in a long waiting line for the lookout on the upper falls. After 2 hours we go back to the car.

On our way back we see Long Horn Sheep.

After we drove to Lake Louise to get information about the canoes because that is something you definitely want to do when you are in Alberta.

It was not possible to make a reservation for the boat so we decided to be at lake Louise early the next morning.

Lake Louise, Mirror Lake and Lake Agnes

At 8 o'clock we arrive at the parking lot at Lake Louise. It was already extremely busy. Waleed parks the car and then after some pictures (of course ;)...

We walk to the boat house. There are already people waiting in line but we are still one of the first ones who will canoe this day.

In my pink dress I sit in the front of the canoe and stare at all the beauty of this world famous lake. With a small breeze and stable stering of my BF I forgot I was in a canoe for a bit.

I looked at the high mountains, the pine trees and the azure blue water.

After an hour in the canoe we arrive dry and a bit cold (me) at the lake house. We go back to the cabin through Bow Valley Parkway and get some nice views.

After resting a bit at the cabin we go back to Lake Louise for a hike up to the oldest tea house in Canada.

It has been built as a refuge for hikers and serves tea since 1905.

The hike has an elevation of 2135 meters and gained an elevation of 368 meter. Which means that we walked up hill the hole time.

On the way up we walk by Mirror Lake. The name of the lake comes from the reflection of the mountain behind the lake, that is visible when the sun drops in the afernoon.

After 15 minutes hiking from Mirror Lake we arrive at Lake Agnes and a waterfall. We go straight to the tea house and order ginger-green tea and chocolate cake (well deserved after this hike ;).

The view is nice and the sun is shining and we enjoy some time at the tea house.

We wander near the lake and then go to the waterfall on our way down.

We eat dinner at the restaurant at Storm Mountain Lodge and go back to Lake Louise for sunset. The sun drops behind the mountains and leaves us with beautiful soft light and we stare at the lake together.

Moraine Lake

Waking up at 4.45 in the morning is not our favorite thing to do, but if you want to see the sunrise at Moraine Lake you have to wake up early. The last days we saw that the road to Moraine lake gets closed after 8 in the morning (only way to get there would be a shuttle bus).

At 6AM we arrive at Moraine Lake and we thought that we went up early.. some people just slept in the parking lot and it was already crowded. We parked our pickup-truck next to the road and make our way to Moraine lake.

The sunrise gives us pink and red clouds and it was defetinly worth to wake up this early.

We go to the rock pile to get the best view at Moraine Lake. The view is out of this world!

We need to climb some rocks to get a nice view and on my boots without profile it is not that easy.

In my red dress I am cold (yes I know just don't care) but so happy to enjoy this view with my favorite person!

Around 8 in the morning we leave and go to Radium Hot Springs and relax in the warm water for over an hour.

After that we go to Banff downtown to eat a late lunch and get groceries for the coming days.

We enjoy our evening at the fireplace and looking forward to our new adventures!

With a smile :)


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